- Computers, PC & Macs repaired, setup, installed, including data transfer (Windows 11, 10, 8, 7)
- Consulting, Technical Support and Education
- Teamviewer remote support
- Windows Server Management, including Exchange Online, Azure, and Sharepoint.
- Smartphone or tablet ( Windows, Apple, Android or Microsoft Surface)
- iCloud, iPad, iMac, and iPhone
- Purchasing new purchasing equipment, consulting and advise,
- Internet connections setup, troubleshooting and liaising with ISP/NBN companies
- Viruses, spyware, and malware cleaning
- Networking, including setup – wifi, mesh, ethernet.
- Email setup & troubleshooting, Office365 setup for domains, IMAP and Exchange solutions
- Automated backup solutions.
- 20+ years experience domains and hosting
- New equipment installed & configured
- Home theatre solutions
- Data recovery
- Websites updated
- Anything technology
- NO FIX, NO FEE policy.